Intelligence Structure Test (IST)


The service offers online determination of your IQ by the method of the German psychologist Rudolf Amthauer.

AMTHAUER RUDOLF Born December 19, 1920 in Iserlohn; † September 30, 1989 in Frankfurt am Main, german psychologist, specialist in applied psychology, professional diagnostics.

The intelligence structure test has been developed in 1953 for tasks of occupational selection and vocational guidance. The test allows to receive complete representation about individual´s intelligence. The test is designed for an assessment not only the general level of intelligence development, but also its separate components: verbal, numerical and spatial thinking, logic abilities, attention, memory, amount of knowledge. The test consists of nine subtests focused on examination of the basic components of verbal and nonverbal intelligence: a lexical store, general awareness, abstraction ability, generalization ability, mathematical abilities, combinatory thinking, spatial imagination, ability to short-term storing of the information.

The results received with the help of the R. Amthauer test allow:

  • to predict success of educational activity;
  • to help with a choice of a trade, a choice of a level of training;
  • to predict success of professional occupation, including trades demanding special intellectual skills.


The test consists of 9 groups of tasks; in each group of 16 -20 tasks, arranged in order of increasing difficulty. Before the presentation of tasks for each group, a description of this type of tasks is given and examples explain the way to solve them. First you should carefully read the description of the tasks of the first subtest, understand the meaning of the task and how to display the correct answer in the answer form. Then you perform the tasks for the time specified in the text. After completing the tasks of the first subtest, you go on to study the job descriptions of the second subtest, etc. The test duration is approximately 90 minutes. During this time, you probably will not be able to solve all the tasks, but this should not bother you. All tasks should be solved strictly in order. Do not stay too long on one task

Search for the test result by the name of the testee

Enter the name (full or partly) by which you were tested.
In the case of a positive search, the last 20 results with the specified name will be displayed.


Service tests are provided "as they are ".
Passing the test is free.
The test results are for informative purposes only. An objective result can be obtained when tested by a specialist trained in the field.